10 Foods That Help Prevent Osteoporosis

Alimentos que Ajudam a Prevenir a Osteoporose

Foods that help prevent osteoporosis are essentially rich in calcium and vitamin D because these nutrients are important for the health of bones and since calcium is not absorbed in the absence of vitamin D. Furthermore, it is very common among older people, osteoporosis is a disease that is characterized by progressive loss of bone density, i.e., the body no longer absorb the same amount of calcium when they are young, which increases the rich fractures. However, with healthy eating and a balanced diet, it is possible and a balanced diet, you can control the appearance of the disease.

Foods That Help Prevent OsteoporoseNo However, There is no specific food that can combat osteoporosis alone, that because the disease is caused by an inflammatory process. Therefore, it is necessary to have a balanced diet that does not change the person's immune system and does not cause inflammation (even low grade) in the body. However, natural foods that provide calcium, magnesium and vitamin D which nutrients important in preventing osteoporosis. Calcium is responsible for the formation of bone structure, whereas magnesium and vitamin D stimulate absorption thereof in the body.

These foods provide other nutrients which act as coadjuvants in combating osteoporosis, such as potassium, which decreases the excretion of calcium in urine, silicon and zinc which act on the production of collagen (a protein so that the bones) and increases osteoblasts cells that produce bone matrix, in addition to B vitamins that in mind, have prepared a list of 10 foods that help to prevent osteoporosis.

Milk: Milk is one of the foods that help prevent osteoporosis, especially for those who are not lactose intolerant. It carries the greatest quantity of calcium, the most important substance for bone formation. Furthermore, it is recommended the regular intake of adults under 50 years of both sexes consume 1000 mg of calcium per day, while for those who are over 50 need doses of 1200 mg. A single glass of 250 ml milk has 300 milligrams of calcium.

Sardines: The sardine is another good choice of foods that help prevent osteoporosis. Therefore, it is rich in calcium, omega 3, vitamin D and protein, its consumption helps to increase bone density, as well as having good fats for your heart.


Egg: When the egg is consumed with the yolk, it is an excellent source of protein, vitamin D and calcium.

Walnuts and chestnuts: They can strengthen bones in countless ways. The main reason is the amount of omega-3 plant origin that these foods have. According to studies conducted in Pennsylvania, the omega-3 present in nuts and a variety of nuts (almonds, Pistachio, Peanut) may have protective effects on bone health. According to the authors of the study, they also contain high amounts of calcium in their composition.

Mushrooms: Mushrooms are rich in Vitamin D, besides being good for the immune system.

Tomato: The tomato is another good alternative foods that help prevent osteoporosis. Therefore, it is rich in minerals such as magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese and potassium, important participants in bone formation, it looks good on any type of sauce, salad and is easy to put on the diet.

Spinach: Spinach is rich in iron, phosphorus and calcium, in addition to vitamins A and B complex and is therefore great alternative in the prevention of osteoporosis.

Whole Grains: The Brown Rice and Oatmeal, are two excellent foods that help prevent osteoporosis. Therefore, they are sources of carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index and fibras.Alimento Helping to Prevent OsteoporoseSoja: The Soy beans and its derivatives have a beneficial effect in strengthening bones. In addition, the oilseed is rich in a substance called isoflavones, which have a very similar structure to the female hormone estrogen helps bones absorb minerals. Therefore, it is highly recommended for women who entered menopause.

Flaxseed: The flaxseed is another good alternative foods that help prevent osteoporosis. For the excessive sodium intake can be a trigger for the loss of bone calcium. In addition, the regular consumption of flaxseed helps the kidneys to excrete water and sodium, and thus can protect the bones from calcium loss. Flaxseed is also good source of omega-3, good fat, which increases bone density.

Anyway, they are tasty, easy to find food and, of course, will only bring health benefits and avoid the weakening of the bones.
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