Chicken with Yoghurt and Mint (FULL Revenue)

Frango com Iogurte e Hortelã

The Chicken Recipe with yogurt and mint is a good choice for a healthy and great tasting. So let's prepare this delicious Chicken Recipe with yogurt and hortelã.Frango with Yogurt and preparation HortelãTempo: 1h 15 / Serves 4


6 drumsticks.
2 tablespoons (soup) seasoning powder type Fondor.
1 jar (180g) plain yogurt.
1 cream can.
1/2 cup (tea) chopped mint.

WAY TO PREPARE: Put the chicken in a medium refractory and season with Fondor. 

In a bowl, mix the yogurt with the cream and mint and pour over the chicken. 

Cover with aluminum foil and bake in moderate oven, preheated for 50 minutes. 

Remove the foil and bake for another 15 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with salad leaves
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