The Best Foods For Health Green

Alimentos Verde

Green foods are rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K, and brings many benefits to our health since they help to strengthen the blood and respiratory system . Be like fruits or vegetables, green foods should be part of your daily diet. A balanced and balanced diet is the safest way to lose weight and keep your body saudável.Alimentos Green Avocado: The avocado is a very calorie fruit, but has many benefits for your health. There are 3 different types of avocado, Mexican, Guatemalan and Indian, which differ in size, appearance and quality. The avocado fat helps to eliminate "excess" cholesterol and helps maintain the blood sugar levels and reduce insulin levels.

The Benefits of Avocado For Health

Combat anemia.
Combat arteriosclerosis.
Fighting Arterial hypertension.
Help in the treatment of gastrointestinal lesions.
It helps to control diabetes levels.
Kiwi-kiwikiwi: The kiwi is a small fruit, oval in shape, has shaggy brown bark, with speckled with white pulp and small black seeds nerves. It is more vitamin C than orange, and also contains no fat. It can be eaten simply, mix in salads with other fruits or if you prefer, with yogurt.

The Benefits of Kiwi To Health

Combat anemia.
It is excellent for alleviating symptoms of pregnancy.
Helps fight bad cholesterol levels.
Encourages the Anti-infectious defenses.
Fighting Belly prison.
brócolisBrócolis: This vegetable is one of the most consumed and appreciated for those who adhere to a healthy diet, a single branch contains a wide variety of flavors and textures, you can eat your branches, stalks and stems.

Benefits of Broccoli To Health

Combat obesity.
It helps to keep the blood sugar levels.
Helps protect against certain cancers, such as colon, lung and breast cancer.
Pear-Perapera: The pear is a family fruit apple and quince, has a smooth, buttery texture, have a core with several seeds. Pears are one juicy fruit, sweet and very appreciated, especially by children.

Benefits of Pear For Health

Helps fight the fates of arterial hypertension.
Combat excess uric acid.
Combating respiratory infections.
It acts as a laxative because it contains fiber and pectin.
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