15 Homemade Remedy with lemon


The origin of the Lemon and its culinary and medicinal use are quite old. It is not known precisely, but it is estimated that its cultivation has been given for the first time in South Asia, probably from southern India, Myanmar and China. Lemon is used as a medicinal product by ancient civilizations of these countries for nearly 4000 years. That is, the human being knows the benefits that Lemon brings to our health before the birth of Jesus Christ. Since ancient times, lemon and other plants were used in the production of home remedies for various health problems

Remedy-Homemade with-limãoBenefícios Lemon For Health: The Lemon is typically known as a fruit rich in vitamin C, but it is also rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B (b1, b2 and b3), vitamin I and vitamin P. in addition to being an excellent source of calcium, copper, magnesium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, silicon, citric acid, malic acid and small amounts of formic acid and acetic acid. due to this massive range of nutrients, it helps in strengthening the body's defenses, fighting colds and inflammation of the airways, Combat uric acid, help you lose weight, facilitate digestion and protect the cells, it is rich in antioxidant.

Lemon Variety: Around the world can be found about 70 types of lemon, but among Brazilians the best known are the limes, Galician and Sicilian lemon and clove.

Lemon Tahiti: The Tahiti lime is most produced in Brazil. it has green bark, smooth or slightly rough. It is similar to the Galician, differing only by being larger and sturdier.

Galician Lemon: It contains five or six seeds (absent in Tahiti) is the most common in backyards in the northeast and center-west of Brazil, but was being replaced by Tahiti.

Sicilian Lemon: Lemon Sicilian is quite common abroad, is popular in Brazil, where most still comes from other countries, so it is usually more expensive. Good to be eaten with vegetables and legumes (such as beans, lentils). But not recommended suck sponge frequently, since it is very acidic and causes demineralization of teeth.

Rangpur lime: Its bark is yellowish-green or yellow is orange when the fruit is ripe. Extremely common in the interior of Brazil, though difficult to find in large cities. it has superior therapeutic properties compared to other varieties.

Homemade remedy with Lemon: Today I have some tips on home remedies with lemon to fight different types of healths problems, from obesity to insomnia and digestive problems. These homemade recipes are simple to perform and shure you all the benefits of lemon, along with their properties. So, check out the 15 home remedies with lemon.
Homemade remedy with Limão1. Homemade remedy with Lemon Against Inflammation in the throat:

125 ml of warm water.
1 tablespoon (soup) of lemon juice.
1/2 tablespoon () salt.
1 pinch of pepper cayenne.
Method of preparation:

Mix all the ingredients.
Gargle several times throughout the day and do not forget good nutrition.
2. Remedy Homemade with lemon To Increase Appetite:

300 ml of boiling water.
15 g of lemon leaves.
20 g of celery root.
15 g of artichoke leaves.
Method of preparation:

Put water on the fire until boiling.
When you start to bubble, remove the water from the heat, add the remaining ingredients and cover it for 15 minutes.
Filter and drink before meals.
3. Remedy Homemade with Lemon against flu

1/2 apple.
1/2 raw chopped carrot.
Juice of 2 lemons.
Half body of water.
3 spoons (soup) of Honey.
Method of preparation:

Beat all ingredients in a blender and take three to four tablespoons of syrup per day.
4. Homemade Remedy with lemon for Sinusitis

2 lemons.
1 spoon (soup) of chopped fresh ginger.
2 garlic cloves.
2 spoons (soup) of Honey.
400ml of water.
Method of preparation:

Take the lemon juice and mash the garlic.
Cook the ingredients except the honey and boil.
Turn off the heat and cover for 15 minutes.
Strain and add honey.
Have a cup of tea half an hour before bedtime.
5. Remedy Homemade with Lemon against Bronchitis

3 heads of garlic.
3 onions.
1 / 2kg of honey.
Juice of 3 lemons.
Method of preparation:

Beat everything in a blender and store the syrup in glass enclosed.
Drink four tablespoons a day.
6. Remedy Homemade with Lemon against constipation

5 Prunes seedless.
1/2 cup (tea) of water.
3 spoons (soup) of Honey.
Juice of one lemon.
Method of preparation:

Soak the prunes in water for three hours.
and then mash with a fork and add honey and mix well.
Take three spoons (soup) a day.
7. Remedy Homemade with Lemon against sore throat

1 sliced ​​ginger root spoon.
1 cup (tea) of water.
1 lemon.
2 spoons (soup) of Honey.
Method of preparation:

Put water to boil.
Turn off the heat and add the ginger root.
Book stuffy for 10 minutes.
Then place the lemon juice and honey and mix until dissolved.
Take a spoon (soup) three times a day.
8. Remedy Homemade with Lemon against cold

1 lemon cut into slices.
1 Pau de Canela.
6 garlic cloves with the peel.
2 cups water.
Honey to sweeten.
Method of preparation:

In boiling water, mix the garlic cloves and cinnamon, and simmer for 10 minutes.
Turn off the heat and place the lemon slices.
Smother and let stand for 10 minutes.
Pass the sieve, mashing the garlic cloves with a fork.
Take hot. to cool, warm again.
Sweeten with honey to taste.
9. Remedy Homemade with Lemon Against Hoarseness

20g Oregano flowers.
1 liter of boiling water.
5 tablespoons (soup) of honey.
Juice of 5 lemons.
Method of preparation:

Make the process of infusion with water and oregano, and add honey and lemon juice.
and seal the container for 10 minutes.
Drink three cups a day.
10. Remedy Homemade with lemon To Strengthen bones:

Juice of 2 lemons.
1 peeled pear.
2 dabs cabbage.
Method of preparation:

Mix all ingredients in a blender.
Take once daily.
11. Remedy Homemade with Lemon Against catarrh and bronchitis

4 Garlic cloves.
Juice of 3 lemons.
20 drops of propolis
2 spoons (tea) honey.
Method of preparation:

Blend together all ingredients and sweeten with honey.
Divide into four doses and take throughout the day a tablespoon at a time.
12. Remedy Homemade with Lemon For High Blood Pressure

Juice of 1 lemon.
2 garlic cloves.
1 cup water Mineral.
2 spoons (tea) honey.
Method of preparation:

beat the ingredients in a blender.
Take three times a day between meals.
13. Remedy Homemade with Lemon Against Flu

1/2 apple.
Juice of 1 lemon.
1/2 carrot.
1 cup of water.
2 tablespoons (soup) of honey
Method of preparation:

Mix all ingredients in a blender.
Take three times a day between meals.
Lemon-limão14. Homemade remedy with Lemon Detoxifying and VITAMINS

200g watermelon.
1/2 apple shelled.
Juice of 2 lemons.
2 spoons (tea) honey.
Method of preparation:

Put everything in a blender, beat and take cold.
15. Remedy Homemade with Lemon Against Migraines

1 liter of water.
1 spoon (tea) of cloves.
2 spoons (soup) of fresh or dry melissa.
1 lemon zest.
2 Nutmegs grated.
1 spoon (soup) of coriander seeds.
500ml grain alcohol.

Method of preparation:

Put on low heat the water and all the ingredients to a boil.
Remove from heat, let cool and mix with alcohol.
Put in dark glass and seal.
Leave to sunlight for a month. Stir daily.
Strain and take one tablespoon diluted in a cup of water fasting morning before meals and before bedtime.
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