25 Food Detox You Must Include in Diet


The detox foods you need to include in the diet are basically rich in nutrients that help in removing toxins from the body. Also, you need to eat the right foods and give up those that further harm the process. ie The detox diet prevents the entry of toxins and stimulates output.

The toxins are also present in the polluted air, the drugs, alcohol, colorants, and chemical additives to cosmetics, such as creams and perfumes. They accumulate in body tissues, in fat cells, and block satiety signals. In addition to weight gain and difficulty losing it generates skin problems, bloating, headache, gas, constipated, bad memory, and increases the likelihood of the emergence of various diseases.

detox-alimentosOs Food Detox helps in proper functioning of the intestine, which forms a barrier and acts as a filter, preventing the toxins from reaching the liver. So the liver is not overloaded and can work correctly, causing the toxins remain soluble in water, to be eliminated. So, check out the 25 food detox you need to include in the diet.

Pineapple: The pineapple is an excellent food detox you need to include in the diet. Therefore, it has good amount of soluble fiber, combined with the digestive process.

Saffron: Saffron is an herb that usually appears as a tea, and has been studied in relation to the effect it has on the liver. They say you can make a detox using only the saffron tea and drinking for a week along with a healthy diet.

Lettuce: Lettuce is rich in vitamins and minerals and has low carbohydrate and fat.

Watercress: Watercress has low calorie and is a major source of vitamin A. In addition to being an anti-inflamatory and diuretic agent.

Green Tea: Green tea is another food detox you need to include in the diet. For, it is rich in vitamins and minerals, strengthens the immune system, is antioxidant and has thermogenic effect, that is, speeds up metabolism and helps burn fat.

Cabbage: The cabbage is one of the detox foods you need to include in the diet. For, it is rich in fiber and magnesium, contributes to a better bowel function.

Spinach: Spinach is rich in antioxidants, helps in proper functioning of the intestine.

Ginger: Ginger speeds up metabolism by up to 20%, favoring the burning of extra calories. It also helps in detoxifying the body, controls the excessive hunger and decreases anxiety.

coconut water or water: They are responsible for hydration and removal of the toxins through the urine output, and assist the exchange of nutrients for the cell. They also keep the skin well-kept appearance.

Sesame: The sesame is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and proteins, has calcium, fiber and complex vitamins B.

Mint: Mint helps in digestion and prevents the formation of gases, helping in the fight against the extra pounds. Why have soothing properties, controls anxiety and cravings for sweets.

Orange: Orange is an excellent source of Vitamin C protects the body of toxins and when consumed with mulch also helps in the proper functioning of the intestine and blood glucose control and cholesterol.

Lemon: Lemon can be utilized in full, since the shell comprises a substance called limonene, which has ability to easily penetrate the tissues and cells of the body, acting as a powerful anti-grease solvent.

Flaxseed: Flaxseed is rich in lignin, an insoluble fiber that controls hunger and helps to reduce fat in the body.

Apple: Apple is rich in pectin, polyphenols and flavonoids, takes care of the heart and protects cells from free radicals.

Watermelon: Watermelon has enough water, vitamins and minerals in their composition, helps to deflate.

Melon: The melon has good amount of fiber, high water content and is slightly laxative, contributing to good bowel function.

food-detoxPepino: Cucumber has low power consumption, providing about 15 calories per 100 g.

Beets: The beet improves the functioning of liver and kidneys, helping the body to eliminate toxins. Moreover, it is rich in fiber that help in digestion and balance the gastrointestinal function in general.

Pear: The pear is a source of fiber, helping the proper functioning of the intestines and detoxification of the body.

Arugula: The rocket has low calorie and contains folic acid, vitamin C and minerals like, calcium, iron and potassium.

Celery: Celery The easily digestible and high percentage of water, is high in fiber and promotes the feeling of satiety.
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