4 Simple Tips To Exfoliate the hands and arms

Dicas Simples Para Esfoliar as Mãos e Braços

As you already know, the hands and arms are some of the most exposed parts of the body throughout daily life. That's why in this article, we will provide some simple tips to exfoliate the hands and arms. However, before we begin, we must clarify that we recommend carrying out these tips no more than twice a week, because the skin is very sensitive and weak to sunlight.

Simple Tips To Exfoliate the hands and Braços1 # - Simple Tip To Exfoliate the hands and arms: Dryness in hand is quite common, regardless of age. Moreover, this is due to several factors, such as household chores, long under the sun, and more. For this first tip, you will need to make a simple homemade mask with the following ingredients:

Two tablespoons of honey.
a potato.
Two tablespoons milk.
Two tablespoons of olive oil soup.
Preparation: Start by boiling the potatoes. Peel it and then make a puree. Add the olive oil, milk and honey. then mix well until the dough is well allogeneic, or even create a smooth texture. The next step is to apply it to your hands. Leave for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

# 2 - Simple Tip To Exfoliate the hands and arms: If what you want are very soft arms and hands, there is nothing better than sugar and honey, because they are excellent exfoliants.

Preparation: Mix a little honey with sugar and let it act for 10 minutes, you can perform a massage to improve the absorption, which will also be relaxing. then wash with warm water.

# 3 - Simple Tip To Exfoliate the hands and arms: It is very important to remove dead skin cells, so we are giving you this natural and inexpensive recipe. So you will need:

1/2 cup sugar.
1/2 Lemon juice.
Preparation: Mix the two ingredients until well blended. Rub it on your arms and hands for 10 minutes and then rinse with water. To end this process of hydration apply hand cream.

Exfoliate the hands and arms with pepino4 # - Simple Tip To exfoliate the hands and arms: Something equally or more annoying that the drying of hands, are skin tags. Below we will teach you a very simple recipe to make and with products you probably have at home, to solve this problem you will need:

one cucumber.
Juice of one lemon.
A little parsley.
A tablespoon of olive oil soup.
Preparation: Mix the cucumber, lemon juice, chopped parsley, and olive oil in a blender. then whisk until it forms a homogeneous mixture. Apply the mask on your hands and let it act for 15 minutes; then rinse with warm water. The change will be noticed immediately. Learn to Make Homemade Exfoliating To Have a Perfect Feet!

These simple tips will help you a lot to take care of your hands and arms. Remember to use these tips for several weeks to achieve better results.
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