14 Benefits of Cassava Pará Health

Os 14 Benefícios da Mandioca Para Saúde

Cassava and a starch rhizome That is mainly cultivated Hot In climates of Africa, Asia and South America. Cassava SHOULD NOT be eaten raw. Because IstoÉ contains toxic amounts of cyanogenic glycosides, que MAY be reduced paragraph innocuous levels FOR Cooking. Besides sugarcane, cassava is one of the rich carbohydrate sources. Cassava and excellent source of carbohydrates, vitamin B9 (folic acid, folic acid), Vitamin C, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper.

Benefits of Cassava Pará Health:

Increased immune function

Protection against Heart Disease

Delaying the Aging

DNA repair and protection

Relief Cardiovascular Disease

Relief Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Alzheimer Protection

Osteoporosis protection

Risk Reduction Type II Diabetes

Reduction in migraine frequency

Relief of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

antioxidant protection

Prevention of epileptic seizures

Alopecia Prevention (Point baldness)

How to Choose Cassava: Acquire firm roots with LITTLE smell and colorless signs Different.

How To Store Cassava: cassava roots will not last more than 3-4 days, since que coated with wax. Fortunately, most are Sold coated roots in wax and will keep for up to 4 weeks When stored in cool, dark places. Cassava root ALSO can be kept for periods of 6-8 months, when peeled and frozen.

Miscellaneous information: Cassava is the third largest source of carbohydrates in the World, E and consumed mainly in Africa and South America Ground into flour, cassava is known as tapioca..
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